Twitter Fiend

Ah, social media. It’s a topic that I post about far too often for it to not be obvious that I love it (after all, I spend a lot of time researching it for work, so I have to have some sort of affection).

While Facebook is a place where, despite its failings, you can keep in touch with old friends and people who have moved away, Twitter is just a bit of an ego boost, isn’t it?

Oh yes I know the official line is some guff like “networking, updating, socialising, ahblah..” but it really is a playground-esque microcosm.

It makes me lose sleep at night*. Your phone sings and you go and see what’s occurring. Ooh I have a new Twitter follower! People like me! How exciting! I think. But how come I still have the same amount of people following me as before? Who have I lost? And WHY??? WHY DON’T THEY LIKE ME???!

It makes you feel like one of the last kids to get picked in primary school rounders, doesn’t it? I mean I was never very sporty and I was always the little one, so when it got down to the last three (me, Fatty Fatterson who smelled really bad and the kid who at 6 was smoking twenty a day) I always got a little worried. Like me more than those two, plllllease!!! Inevitably I was picked because I wouldn’t have a heart attack at first base like the other two, but it was touch and go for a minute there.

It seems that Twitter followers can be fickle, and my updates on a Saturday night about the x-factor may annoy those literary geniuses (genie-i? someone help me out with this plural) who want me only to spout about the joys of Wordsworth in 140 characters or less. Sure, you might not want to know that I consider eating a chocolate orange to be one of my portions of fruit and veg for the day, but as Yoda would say, “Care do I not”.

So why do we use Twitter? Because it’s fun. I love getting a mention from Brooke and McKenzie to tell me that they have posted another giggle ridden story about their latest dating attempt, or to hear that the boys at inomthebandwagon are slating another celebrity. My sister recently signed up and in trying to explain to her how to use it and why I do, I realised I do not have a clue. My only theory is that when Adam Levine tweets, I can say to my sister “Maroon Five are on tour again. Adam Levine told me”. She sees through this one, but sometimes lets me sneak these lies into sentences all the same. I mean come on, he did!! Kind of….

*It doesn’t really. There are a lot of thing that make me lose sleep at night like the man upstairs using his washing machine post-midnight or foxes, but social media is not one of them, lets call it poetic licence 🙂

31 responses to “Twitter Fiend”

  1. jules Avatar

    urgh, I hate social networking. End of.


  2. LittleMissVix Avatar

    Haha I’m not on Twitter because I don’t totally “get it” and as you say it seems like a popularity contest!

  3. visitingmissouri Avatar

    Every time I look at Twitter, I am amazed what people will tell the world. I certainly do get something out of it though, I think it’s a matter of getting used to it, choosing to ignore what you don’t want to see and get the benefits that are definitely there.

  4. Debbie Avatar

    Love this! I don’t tweet. I’m a bit of an old Twit – but I do follow (publicly – not as in stalking) my kids and their spouses. My d-i-l mostly writes about what she’s eating or wants to eat (she lucky to have great metabolism), my s-i-l tweets his complaints about co-workers and other drivers, my son, who is a Poly Si Professor, tweets almost never and usually things I don’t understand and my daughter tweets the funny things her little ones say – about once a month. I don’t really get it Twitter, but I am sorry about the man upstairs.

    1. tinkerbelle86 Avatar

      he will be sorry too if he carries on 😉

  5. Jason Avatar

    I think you got it pretty much right on. That is what Twitter is all about and my phone does wake menup at night. But I love it, I can’t help it.

  6. Bruce Stambaugh Avatar

    It’s so refreshing to see a young woman like you recognize the tweeting mania for what it is. I’m impressed. Good for you. And you got geniuses right the first time.

    Well done.


    1. tinkerbelle86 Avatar

      thanks, what a lovely comment!

  7. susielindau Avatar

    That’s not whats happening. When I first started with twitter, my own children unfollowed me and I had just set up their account while we were on vacation. So we checked and discovered that Twitter is glitchy. It randomly unclicks people. I emailed twitter and they said they were working on it. They obviously haven’t fixed it yet.
    BTW you aren’t following me! LOL!

    1. tinkerbelle86 Avatar

      I am now. total oversight!!

  8. Tori Nelson Avatar

    I just figured out texting. I still don’t understand “apps” and my phone is of the dumb persuasion. I’m worried Twitter is a little over my head!

  9. Sukanya Ramanujan Avatar
    Sukanya Ramanujan

    I can relate to the people following and unfollowing you on twitter. My followers never number more than 36 for some reason no matter how many new people follow me…hmmm

  10. breezyk Avatar

    Great post- but I now hate you for making me crave a chocolate orange….

  11. strugglebots Avatar

    I suck at social networking. Last year, I left FaceBook for 11 months. I haven’t been able to bring myself to try Twitter. Maybe someday!

  12. robpixaday Avatar

    I don’t Tweet. Well, maybe once every few weeks bec using it is faster for updating someone than anything else and there are lower expectations for content. And I’ve got 8 “deactivated”Facebook accounts. That place gives me chills so I tiptoe in, stay a day or two, and then run away screaming.

    Great post!

  13. nicole Avatar

    LOVE your description of being picked last for the grade school sporting team! i just commented on another friend’s blog about my excitement for winning her “good blogger” award. i literally read through her post, fearing the inevitable: arriving to the very last paragraph of the little contest post and fully realising that i had not been chosen as one of her seven favourite bloggers! why would it matter? i don’t know! but i felt like that little girl, picked last for the dodgeball team! but she did pick me, and it just made my night! 🙂 i love facebook and twitter and social networking! it’s given me a new family of people who understand the world of eating disorders. and it’s given me the opportunity to reach a new audience, one that i never imagined possible.

  14. Jim Brickett Avatar

    Cool Ideas. Thanks for the visit to my image blog. I’m looking forward to checking out more of your work.
    I hope you have a great weekend.
    Best Regards

  15. barkinginthedark Avatar

    forgive me, but are people who twitter twits? continue…

  16. steph Avatar

    I just joined Twitter today… but I’m such a dinosaur, I kinda don’t know what to do now!

  17. Team Oyeniyi Avatar

    I don’t “get” half the social media stuff, Twitter being at the top of that list! I’m still struggling to understand Google+ and what the hell my Stream is all about – so far, a heap of stuff I’m not interested in most of the time!

    1. tinkerbelle86 Avatar

      I have google plus for work but i dont use it!

  18. nia Avatar

    So funny and soo true! I’ll def be reading more of your stuff. Thanks for liking my article at emeraldcitychic!

  19. The Hook Avatar

    You’re spot-on with your observations, young lady! Nicely done.

  20. jamieonline Avatar

    I got de-friended by someone I thought was a friend on FB… I was shocked.

  21. Sunshine Avatar

    It’s all new to me!!
    Enjoyed your take on Twitter :))

  22. theduffboy Avatar

    I agree: Twitter is a short format high school experience: I’ve received offers to have my ass kicked, have gone lovey-dovey with the mrs. and have gotten into serious trouble for DM’s and following the wrong crowd. Here in Guatemala, I guy actually got thrown in jail for tweeting something about one of the local banks (he was facing up to 10 years in prison or something like that).

  23. therealsharon Avatar

    Wow…even on the other side of the country, there are still people that live upstairs and wash their clothes in the middle of the night!

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